VCD (VIGILANCE CONTROL DEVICE) V igilance control device ( VCD ) is one of the most safety item for locomotive. You have to operate locomotive continuously by notch UP-DOWN or press vcd push button switch,pressing sanding foot switch while running, otherwise after 60 second VCD SYSTEM gives you a warnig by glowing vcd CAB UNIT warning light for 8 second if you don't acknowledge this by pressing vcd push button switch then after completing 8 second,vcd warning light glows with a buzzer sounding for 8 second, if you don't acknowledge this time too then penalty brake activated and notch will be regress autometically,BP(BRAKE PRESSUR) will drop and auto flasher glows and locomotive will stop running autometically. You have to reset this vcd system for running locomotive again,but remember you won't be able reset for 32 second. After 32 second you will be able to reset this. After reset BP will charged. If system fault...